We are listening – Thank you for your feedback!

Dear Members,

Thank you to all those who took the time to complete our member survey in January.  We were overwhelmed by the positive feedback for our staff, bowls facilities and bowls shop.

We want you to know that we are listening! We received several great suggestions and have already made the following changes based on your feedback:

  • Courtesy Taxi

  1. Members can now use multiple vouchers if multiple South Bowlo Members travel together (max. 1x voucher per Member per trip).

  2. In addition to being able to book courtesy taxis through the friendly South Bowlo staff, Members can now book courtesy taxis directly through Tamworth Cabs on 131 008 by providing their voucher number when they make a booking.

  • Bar snacks – Members requested snacks that can go with coffee and more snack options. We listened and we now have a range of large cookies available for $4 with more snacks to come.

  • Southside Kitchen Menu - Members requested greater variety on the menu and we listened. If you haven’t tried our now menu, view it here.

Thank you again for your feedback!

We will continue to work to make South Bowlo the best venue possible for Members.

Don’t forget, we are drawing the Entertainer’s Dream prize TONIGHT after the raffle!

See you at the Bowlo!

Sarah Young

South Tamworth Bowling Club